This summer I went to Puerto Rico to lead a couple small youth trips, but as I lead others, God did more in me that I had expected. I have to preface this by saying that before this trip came along I had been getting burned out with ministry, church, missions, etc. I had been serving with a church here in Matamoros, and all the responsibility had drained me spiritually. So as I went to Puerto Rico I went excited about the opportunity but in need of the Lord’s refreshing touch.
The number of days the first group had allotted for ministry was less than normal because at the end of the trip we were all part of the youth conference that our host church, Centro Cristiano de Restauración, was presenting. As we worshiped each day I realized that I had forgotten how beautiful it is be in the Lord’s presence, to worship Him with all my heart. It had been a while since I had enjoyed “church” or had much of a desire to be there. The conference offered sessions for leaders apart from the youth, and God used these times to heal some of the calloused areas on my heart.
I have so much more I could say, and I hope to share more in future blogs, but for now I want to sum it all up by saying that Puerto Rico, and this summer as a whole, has been as been a time for me to learn how to fall in love with the Lord all over again. It has been a time of learning to place relationship with Him before ministry, before acts of service, before everything. For now my prayer for myself and for all of you is that we may continue to fall more in love with our Lord and allow love for our neighbor to flow from that. Thank you for all your prayers! God bless!
Amen!!!!God is teaching me lesson upon lesson that loving Him is it. The foundation for everything in our lives…..
It’s been almost 2 years since this post. Hope you are doing well.
Erin, I was blessed by your confession…we all, as workers in God’s kingdom, become calloused and cold to the continuing work as we are drained… It is hard for those who do not work as a soldier of the King to understand the mental and spiritual emptiness that can come over us so quickly – as well as the physical strength we lose trying to be there and do everything possible …no matter how close we are to the Lord! We need constant prayer, uplifting, encouraging and refilling – and rest. As one who understands, I want to recommit myself to praying for you as you labor there for us and for God.
Dear Erin, Please forgive us for not keeping in touch more and for not encouraging you in your commitment and love of Christ and all your labors on His behalf.
This is not an excuse just a poor reason; I injured my back in June and have not had much strength or energy as my body seeks to heal itself. Thankfully, I am slowly improving.
I am reading a good book by Agnes Sanford, a spiritual healer, daughter of missionaries and wife of a minister. The book is called “The Healing Light.” She emphasizes that only as allow God’s love to have an open channel in our lives, can we be a channel of that love for others.
I am sure you are an inspiration to all who know you and I will be praying for your ministry there.
We had a former missionary from Papua New Guinea to speak at our Women’s Fellowship, and she opened our eyes to the sacrifices made daily on the field. Love you: take care of yourself!